A support group

Donate Stock

Thank you for considering a donation of stock to our organization!

Mental Health Minnesota is able to accept stock donations through an account with The Vanguard Group, Inc.

If you are interested in making a donation of stock or just want to learn more, please contact Shannah Mulvihill, Executive Director/CEO, via email at [email protected] or cell phone at (651) 396-6439.

Mental Health Minnesota’s Promise to Our Donors

Mental Health Minnesota is proud of our efforts to bring passion and effectiveness to our work. We also strive toward efficiency and transparency to assure our supporters that we are good stewards of their donations. Mental Health Minnesota has met the rigorous standards required by the Charities Review Council, and also holds the Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition from Guidestar, held by less than 0.01% of nonprofit organizations in the U.S.