Budget Hearing Monday

As we continue to examine the House Health And Human Services budget, the worse the news gets.  We do not see an effective framework for managing costs or promoting the well-being of our community.  What we see are cuts to long-term programs that will lead to more crisis situations and worse outcomes for consumers.

Ways and Means will take up HF 2614 this Monday morning, and we need to make sure these Representatives get a lot more calls and emails in regard to these shocking cuts to mental health services before then.

Please call or email members of the Ways and Means Committee, or whoever is your Representative. Ask them to share with the Speaker that they do not support these devastating cuts to mental health services and will vote against this budget both in committee and on the floor if necessary.
Make sure you call your Representative regardless of their committee assignments, but in particular, members of the Ways and Means Committee need to hear about our concerns immediately.

Thank you to everyone who is helping make a difference in a very challenging time!