Check out two new video series from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) on their YouTube channel this month.
Out of the Blue: The Many Faces of Depression
Depression doesn’t just look one way. Major depressive disorder affects more than 14 million adult Americans each year, and many don’t attribute the range of symptoms they encounter to depression. In this series of videos, six individuals share their experiences with depression, including some of its less identifiable manifestations, which range from anger and irritability to feeling overwhelmed by a lack of focus and difficulty making decisions. DBSA thanks the Takeda-Lundbeck Alliance for its unrestricted support for the production of the Out of the Blue video series.
Bipolar Disorder Education Video Library
The DBSA Bipolar Disorder Education Video Library addresses common questions and concerns that people living with bipolar disorder and their loved ones often have. In each video, a peer shares their experience with issues such as dealing with stigma, identifying triggers, and working with clinicians. Speakers include individuals living with bipolar disorder, their loved ones, and professionals in the mental health field.