Eliminating Reforms

This week’s update really puts a focus on how cuts in the last few years have effectively rolled back the bipartisan 2007 reforms.  $34 million of new grant money was going to really change the way that mental health services are delivered in the state, by putting more focus on the community providers and what we can do to keep people from needing in-patient care.

The good news is that it worked.  Hospital bed days were down, crisis services were started, and people got the help they needed, where they were. (Link goes to PDF)

The bad news is that last year’s cuts totaled 15 million.  The proposed HHS budget that Gov. Dayton vetoed for being too drastic would have cut even more than that.  In 2007, members from both parties and Governor Pawlenty proudly said that $34 million would change the system.

So what would these cuts do?