Exercise Your Right to Vote

In just under a week, Minnesotans will go to the polls to choose their Governor, legislators, and many other offices.  This represents a major chance for people to have their say on both federal, state, and local issues.  We strongly encourage people to research the candidates and to vote this Nov. 2nd.

For more information about voting and to see sample ballots for your precinct, visit the MN Secretary of State’s website.  You can find out more about voting if you are under guardianship or living in a group home.  Did you know that people living in a residential facility can get help with getting their ballot delivered to them?  Or that doctors, family members and guardians cannot decide if a person can vote without approval by a court?  Minnesota has a strong tradition of civic engagement and voter participation: please be a part of that this November.

We also encourage people to think about mental health care when they are speaking with candidates and considering their choices.  As a non-profit, we do not support or oppose candidates.  We’re willing to talk to and work with any elected official, but our priorities will always be clear: access to quality and timely mental health services for more Minnesotans.  A few questions to consider:

  • How will Minnesota work with former GAMC patients to reduce reliance on emergency rooms as primary care?
  • How can State Operated Services be redesigned to help fill the gaps in mental health services in the state?
  • Will we continue to see cuts to lower intensity services like PCA, or will we renew our commitment to serving people in their communities?
  • What happens to county based services as we try to balance the state budget in the years to come?

These are tough questions with no easy answers.  The future of mental health services in Minnesota is up for debate here, and we all need to do our part to create and protect the kinds of services that matter most for Minnesotans with mental illnesses.

Whatever your views, please take the time to consider your vote and participate in the election.