A classroom of people taking notes


Mental Health Minnesota provides presentations and workshops to promote a better understanding of mental health and resources for communities, workplaces and providers.

Community Presentations and Events

We provide presentations and workshops on a variety of mental health topics in communities across the state of Minnesota, both in person and online. We provide presentations for community members, workplaces, students and teachers, service and healthcare providers, policy makers, law enforcement officers and more.

Conferences and Events

We welcome opportunities to attend a wide variety of conferences, events and resource fairs to promote mental health awareness and distribute information about the free, anonymous services we provide.

people talking at a community event

Resource Library

Looking for information, tools or resources for mental health?

Visit our online resource library, where you’ll find tools and apps to support your mental health and wellness, information about mental health and common mental health conditions, on-demand videos and trainings, interactive tools to help you build wellness and safety plans, research and reports, resources for schools and workplaces, and much more!

bookcase full of books