How are you feeling?

20 percent of adults will experience a mental illness in any given year. Most mental health conditions can be treated effectively with appropriate mental health treatment. Unfortunately, of those who do experience a mental illness, many do not get help.


Online Screening P1

For the past 8 years, MHAM has been providing online mental health screening for common mood and anxiety disorders. In those eight years, we have seen the number of completed surveys increase from a couple of thousand, to nearly 17,ooo in just the last year. An online screening is a quick assessment that you can do at anytime and can help you move closer toward improving your health.

The online screening is not diagnostic, but it will help you determine whether or not a consultation from a health professional would be helpful.

The online screening can be accessed via desktop, tablet, or smartphone, and it is free and anonymous.


Online Screening P2

It only takes a few minutes to complete the screening. First, select the statement that fits how you have been thinking or behaving. Then, answer the brief set of questions about yourself and how you are feeling.

When you are finished with your assessment, you will receive an explanation about your moods and behaviors. From these results and recommendations, it will help you decide if you need to contact a health professional. In addition, you will have access to informational materials and other resources about what you can do to get help.


Online Screening P3

Taking a few minutes to assess how you are feeling can help you take that next step. Take an online screening now!